Get a dedicated support team ready to assist you :)

Denise Cobo | Sales Representative | Bellevue Roses Wholesale

Denise Cobo | Sales Rep. | Bellevue Roses

Hello! I’m Denise, a dedicated flower lover and professional in the hotel and floral industry with over 6 years of experience. Currently, I’m your sales representative, overseeing all the business details of our collaboration and I will make sure all your orders are processed and delivered in perfect shape. 


Let's Partner UP!

I’m excited to present the exclusive partnership opportunities we’ve tailored specifically for you. We understand the dynamics of the floral industry and are committed to making a significant impact by supporting your success.

Let me know which option best aligns with your business needs through our Exclusive Partnerships:


Bloom Power 


Petal Partner

Basic Floral Fusion

» 15% Off 

Available on every 4th monthly order, except on peak seasons like V-Day and M-Day.

» 15% Off 

Available on every 4th monthly order, except pick seasons like V-Day and M-Day.

» 10% Off 

Available on every 4th monthly order, except pick seasons like V-Day and M-Day.

  Free Monthly Product Sample

Get sample products for free with your custom box tool.

↵  Free Monthly Product Sample

Get sample products for free with your custom box tool.


↵  Free Monthly Product Sample

Get sample products for free with your custom box tool.

Only Ecuadorean Roses!

We only offer premium roses from Ecuador.

⇑ Only Ecuadorean Roses!

We onfly offer premium roses from Ecuador.

⇑ Only Ecuadorean Roses!

We onfly offer premium roses from Ecuador.

 Dedicated Support

Get a dedicated Sales Rep. ready to support you.

Dedicated Support

Get a dedicated Sales Rep. ready to support you.

Dedicated Support

Get a dedicated Sales Rep. ready to support you.

∞ All Year Round Pricing

For all standing orders, including peak seasons, you can duplicate at the same price.

∞ All Year Round Pricing

For all standing orders, including peak seasons, you can duplicate at the same price.


♣ Extra Savings 

Enjoy a 5% discount on our website, valid throughout our partnership during peak seasons.

⊗  ⊗ 

*Minimum Monthly Spend: $1,500

*Minimum Monthly Spend: $1,000

*Minimum Monthly Spend: $500



"I love these tinted roses because they can be customized to add a unique touch to your events." 

-- Denise Cobo,


Denise Cobo, Sales Representative